STOP Ski Knee Injuries!

Detect. Correct. Protect.  


A website dedicated to the prevention of ski related knee injuries.


What is the problem? 

Skiing is an exhilarating sport but it has an extremely high rate of injury. The knee is the most frequently injured body part, with the tearing of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) accounting for nearly 25% of major ski injuries. After sustaining a major knee injury there is a 23% likelihood of the injury recurring.

How does it happen?  

ACL injuries most frequently occur when a skier falls backwards or in a bending/ twisting motion. In some cases ski injuries are unavoidable, however, several studies have identified poor physical fitness, inefficient muscular strength and muscle asymmetry as being a significant risk to knee injuries. 

What can we do about it?

Physical injury prevention programs  have shown to be a successful method of reducing knee injuries. We can train the body to avoid dangerous movements by developing the optimal muscle firing patterns to protect the knee. is a resource to educate skiers, coaches, trainers and provide injury prevention services. Please explore this website to learn more on the common causes of ski knee injuries and their prevention through exercise.